
发布日期:2015-10-01 作者: 浏览次数:
姓名 党锋 出生年月 1978.6.22
Name Dang Feng Born 1978.6.22
性别 学位 博士
Sex Male Degree Doctor
专业技术职务 博导 博导聘任时间 2015.7


1997-10–2001-7  山东大学 材料科学与工程 本科
2002-10 – 2004-9  山口大学(日本)机能材料工学 研究生
2005-4–2008-3   九州大学(日本)物质创造工学 博士 

2008-4  日本九州大学 应用化学科 学术研究员
2008-5 – 2011-3  日本产业技术综合研究所 契约职员
2011-4 – 2012-3  日本庆应大学 应用化学科 助教
2012-4 – 2013-12  日本名古屋大学  副教授
2014-5 – 现在 山东大学 vwin德赢 齐鲁青年学者特聘教授  





Nature MaterialsAdvanced Energy MaterialsJournal of Materials Chemistry A, ACS Applied Materials and Interface, Nanoscale等一流杂志发表论文60余篇,他引1500余次,H因子21ESI高被引论文6篇,承担多项国家与省级科研项目。


1. B. He, J. Wang, F. Dang*, et al. Super-Assembly of Porous Fetet(NiFe)octO Frameworks with Stable Octahedron and Multistage Structure for Superior Lithium-Oxygen Batteries, Adv. Energy Mater., 2020, 1904262.

2. C. C. Dang, Y. Wang, F. Dang*, et al. Novel MoSi2 catalysts featuring surface activations highly efficient cathode materials for long-life Li-O2 batteries, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2020, 8, 259-267.

3. X. C. Hou, J. Wang, F. Dang*, et al. Interfacial Super-assembly of Grape-Like MnO-Ni@C Frameworks for Superior Lithium Storage, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2020, 12, 13770-13780.

4. Y. Wang, J. Wang, F. Dang*, et al. A free-standing CeO2/Co3O4 nanowires electrode featuring a controllable discharge/charge product evolution route with enhanced catalytic performance for Li-O2 batteries, Applied Materials Today, 2020, 19, 100603.

5.  Z. Wang, F. Dang*, Z. Kou, et al. Direct Observation of Stable Negative Capacitance in SrTiO3@BaTiO3 Heterostructure, Adv. Electron. Mater. 2020, 6, 19010051.

6. Y. Hou, J. Wang, F. Dang*, et al. Interfacial SuperAssembled Porous CeO2/C Frameworks Featuring Efficient and Sensitive Decomposing Li2O2 for Smart Li-O2 Batteries, Adv. Energy Mater., 2019, 1970157.

7. Y. Hou, X. C. Hou, F. Dang*, et al. Enhancing the electrocatalytic activity of 2D micro-assembly Co3O4 nanosheets for Li-O2 batteries by tuning oxygen vacancies and Co3+/Co2+ ratio. Electrochimica Acta, 2019, 134884.

8. J. Y. Zhai, J. Wang, F. Dang*, et al. Highly Efficient Cobalt Nanoparticles Anchored Porous N-doped Carbon Nanosheets Electrocatalysts for Li-O2 Batteries. Journal of Catalysis, 2019, 534-542.(高被引论文)

8. C. X. Hou, J. Wang, F. Dang*, et al. One-pot Synthesized Molybdenum Dioxide–Molybdenum Carbide Heterostructures Coupled with 3D Holey Carbon Nanosheets for Highly Efficient and Ultrastable Cycling Lithium-ion Storage, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2019,13460-13472. (高被引论文)

10. Y. Hou, J. Wang, C. X. Hou, F. Dang*, et al. Oxygen Vacancies Promoting the Electrocatalytic Performance of CeO2 Nanorods as Cathode Materials for Li-O2 Batteries, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2019, 7, 6552-6561.

11. C. Hou, L. Zhao, F. Dang*, et al. High performance MnO@C Microcages with a Hierarchical Structure and Tunable Carbon Shell for Efficient and Durable Lithium Storage, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018, 6, 9723-9736 (高被引论文)

12. P. Xie, H. Li, B. He, F. Dang*, et al. Bio-gel derived Nickel/Carbon Nanocomposites with Enhanced Microwave Absorption, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2018, 6, 8812-8822.(高被引论文)

13. C. Hou, Y. Hou, F. Dang*, et al. Oxygen Vacancy Derived Local Build-in Electric Field in Mesoporous hollow Co3O4 microspheres promotes high-performance Li-ion batteries, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018, 6, 6967-6976. (高被引论文)

14. B. He, J. Wang, F. Dang*, et al. Mesoporous CoO/Co-N-C nanofibers as efficient cathode catalysts for Li–O 2 batteries, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018, 6, 19075-19084

15. Z. Sun, F. Dang*, Z. Guo, et al. Experimental and Simulation-based Understanding of Morphology Controlled Barium Titanate Nanoparticles Under Co-adsorption of Surfactants, CrystEngComm, 2017, 19, 3288-3298.(高被引论文) 



齐鲁青年学者特聘教授启动经费985配套经费 2014-2019100万元  



联系方式 dangfeng@sdu.edu.cn


电子邮箱 dangfeng@sdu.edu.cn