
发布日期:2015-10-01 作者: 浏览次数:







Weimin Wang























2006.2-2007.7, 以洪堡学者身份于德国莱布尼兹固体物理与材料研究所(IFW-Dresden)合作访问


材料加工, 非晶合金,材料相变, 电化学, 材料腐蚀


2018 year

  1. X.Wang, J. Pang, L.Y. Guo, H.J. Ma, K.B. Kim, W.M. Wang, Thermal analysis of directional pressure annealed Fe78Si9B13 amorphous alloys, Thermochimica Acta, DOI: 10.1016 /j.tca. 2018.01.004

2017 year

  1. K.C. Shen, C.G. Jia, B.X. Cao, H. Xu, J. Wang, L.C. Zhang, K.B. Kim, W.M. Wang, Comparing the electro-catalytic behavior between Au(110) and Au(111) for methanol, formic acid and hydrogen peroxide: Experiment and density functional theory calculation, Electrochim. Acta, Vol 256, 129-138, 2017, DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2017.10.026

  2. Z. Jia, J.C. Wang, S.X. Liang, W.C. Zhang, W.M. Wang, L.C. Zhang, Activation of peroxymonosulfate by Fe78Si9B13 metallic glass: The influence of crystallizationJournal of Alloys and CompoundsVolume 728, 25 December 2017, Pages 525–533

  3. Jia, Zhe; Duan, Xiaoguang; Qin, Peng; W.C. Zhang; W.M. Wang; L.C. Zhang, Disordered Atomic Packing Structure of Metallic Glass: Toward Ultrafast Hydroxyl Radicals Production Rate and Strong Electron Transfer Ability in Catalytic PerformanceAdvanced Functional Materials, Vol (27): 1702258, OCT 12 2017

  4. Yuchao Niu, Xiaoyu Ma, Xiangju Liu, Weimin Wang, Yongtai Zhen, Ying Gao, Spreadability of Ag layer on oxides and high performance of AZO/Ag/AZO sandwiched transparent conductive film, J. Nanoscience, vol:2017: 2409062, July, 2017.

  5. P.J. Yin, C.G. Jia, L.Y. Guo, H.R. Geng, Y.S. Tian, Z.H. Zhang, W.M. Wang, Effect of Au addition on intermetallics precipitation tendency and repassivation of Al88Fe5Y7 glassy alloy, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci. 12 (2017) 1288-1305; doi: 10.20964/2017.02.15

  6. X. Wang, H.J. Ma, Z.H. Shen, S.F. Jin, W. Xu, M. Ferry, L. Chen, W.M. WangOn the magnetic anisotropy in Fe78Si9B13 ingots and amorphous ribbons: orientation aligning of Fe-based phases/clusters, AIP Advances, 7 (2017), 015302; doi: 10.1063/1.4974305.

  7. Z Jia, J. Kang, W.C. Zhang, W.M. Wang, C. Yang, H. Sun, D. Habibi, L.C. Zhang, Surface aging behaviour of Fe-based amorphous alloys as catalystsduring heterogeneous photo Fenton-like process for water treatment. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 204 (2017) 537–547

  8. Z. Jia , S.X. Liang, W.C. Zhang, W.M. Wang, C. Yang, L.C. Zhang, Heterogeneous photo Fenton-like degradation of cibacron brilliant red 3B-A dye using amorphous Fe78Si9B13 and Fe73.5Si13.5B9Cu1Nb3 alloys: The influence of adsorption, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Volume 71(2017), Pages 128–136

  9. S.X. Liang, Z. Jia, W.C. Zhang, W.M.Wang, L.C. Zhang, Rapid malachite green degradation using Fe73.5Si13.5B9Cu1Nb3 metallic glass for activation of persulfate under UV–Vis light, Materials and Design 119 (2017) 244–253

  10. Shaopeng Pan, Shidong Feng, Junwei Qiao, Xiaofeng Niu, Weimmin Wang, Jingyu Qin, Correlation between initial structure and athermal quasi-static compressive deformation in a metallic glass, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 699, 30 March 2017, Pages 274–277


    2016 year

  11. Kechang Shen, Guihua Li, Weimin Wang, The thermal expansion behavior, micro-hardness and electrochemical corrosion resistance properties of Au52Cu27Ag17-x(NiZn0.5)x (x = 0, 6 and 12) alloys, Trans. Non-ferrous Metals Soc. 26(2016) 2900-2909, Nov 2016, DOI: 10.1016/S1003-6326 (16)64419-9

  12. Hui Xu, Kechang Shen, Shuai Liu, Laichang Zhang, Xiaoguang Wang, Jingyu Qin, and Weimin Wang*, High Activity Methanol/H2O2 Catalyst of Nanoporous Gold from Al2Au Ribbon Precursors with Various Circumferential Speeds, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2016, 120 (44), pp 25296–25305DOI: 10.1021/acs. jpcc.6b06314

  13. Z.H. Sheng, J. Pang, X. Wang, K.B. Kim, W.M. Wang, Anisotropic magnetization improvement in Fe78Si9B13 glass with direct current heating, J. Non-Cryst Solid. 448 (2016): 83-88, Sept 2016

  14. Y.J. Li, Y.G Wang, B. An, Y. Liu, L.C. Zhang, W.M. Wang, A practical anodic and cathodic curve intersection model to understand the polarization of Fe-based glassy alloys in OH- contained solutions, PLOS One, 11(2016): e0146421. JAN 15, 2016

  15. Y.G. Wang, S.P. Pan, Y.J. Li, W.M. Wang, Role of Y substitution in atomic cluster and corrosion behavior of Al-Ni-Gd metallic glasses, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 11 (2016) 3512 - 3531, DOI: 10.20964/e110429, May 2016

  16. Zhe Jia, Xiaoguang Duan, Wenchang Zhang, Zhang, Weimin Wang, Hongqi Sun, Shaobin Wang & Lai-Chang Zhang, Ultra-sustainable Fe78Si9B13 metallic glass as a catalyst for activation of persulfate on methylene blue degradation under UV-Vis light, Scientific Reports, 6 (2016):38520, DOI: 10.1038/srep38520

  17. Z. Jia, W.C. Zhang, W.M. Wang, D. Habibi, L.C. Zhang, Amorphous Fe78Si9B13 alloy: An efficient and reusablephoto-enhanced Fenton-like catalyst in degradation of cibacronbrilliant red 3B-A dye under UV–vis lightApplied Catalysis B: Environmental 192 (2016) 46–56

  18. Shao-Peng Pan, Shi-Dong Feng, Li-Min Wang, Jun-Wei Qiao, Xiao-Feng Niu, Bang-Shao Dong, Wei-Min Wang & Jing-Yu QinStructural disorder in metallic glass-forming liquids, Scientific Reports 6 (2016): 27708, Jun. 2016

  19. S.P. Pan, S.D. Feng, J.W. Qiao, W.M. Wang, J.Y. QinCorrelation between local structure and dynamic heterogeneity in a metallic glass-forming liquidJournal of Alloys and Compounds 664 (2016) 65-70 APR 2016

  20. Kim, Jeong Tae; Lee, Seoung Wan; Hong, Sung Hwan; Wang, W.M., Kim, K.B., Understanding the relationship between microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-Cu-Si ultrafine eutectic composites, Materials & Design, Vol: 92 page: 1038-1045, FEB 15 2016

    2015 year

  21. K.C. Shen, G.H. Li, Y.M. Sun, Y.G. Wang, Y.J. Li, G.H. Cao, W.M. Wang , Linking physical and corrosion properties with Fe3C distribution in steel, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater. December 2015, Volume 22, Issue 12, pp 1293-1303

  22. L.Y. Guo, Y. Liu, K.C. Shen, C.Q. Song, M. Yang, K.B. Kim, W.M. Wang, Enhancing corrosion and wear resistance of AA6061 by friction stir processing with Fe78Si9B13 glass particles. Materials. 8 (2015), 5084-5097. August, 2015

  23. H.J. Ma, K.C. Shen, S.P. Pan, J. Zhao, J.Y. Qin, K.B. Kim, W.M. Wang, Role of tri-capped triangular prism (TTP) polyhedra in formation and destabilization of Fe-Y-B glassy alloys, J. Non-Crystal. Solids (ex. S. Rep). 425 (2015) 67–73, June, 2015

  24. H. Xu, S. Liu, L.Y. Guo, Y.J. Li, K.C. Shen, C.S. Guan, W.M. Wang, Comparing Electrochemical Behaviour of Amorphous Ni–P Powders and Film, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 10 (2015) 4985 - 5000, June, 2015.

  25. Y.M. Sun, Y.G. Wang, J.T. Zhang, R. Li, L.Y. Guo, H. Xu, W.M. Wang, Effect of casting vacuum on thermodynamic and corrosion properties of Fe-based glassy alloys, Trans. Non-Ferr. Met. Soc. China, 25(2015), 844-849 (fee exemption).

  26. Shao-Peng Pan, Shi-Dong Feng, Jun-Wei Qiao, Wei-Min Wang, Jing-Yu Qin, Crystallization pathways of liquid bcc transition for a model iron by fast quenching, Sci. Rep. 5 (2015), 16956 Nov. 2015

    2014 year

  27. Y.G. Wang, Y. Liu, Y. J. Li, B. An, G.H. Cao, S. F. Jin, W. M. Wang, Crystallization of Al-based amorphous alloys in good conductivity solution, J. Mater. Sci. Tech., 30 (2014) 1262-1270, Dec 2014

  28. H.D. Zhang, X.Y. Li, J. Pang, L.J. Yin, H.J. Ma, Y.J. Li, Y. Liu, W.M. Wang, Non-monotolic influence of magnetic field on the electrochemical behavior of Fe78Si9B13 glassy alloy in NaOH and NaCl solutions, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., Volume 21, Number 10, October 2014, Page 1009-1018

  29. Y.J. Li, B. An, Y.G. Wang, Y. Liu, H.D. Zhang, X.G. Yang, W.M. Wang, Severe corrosion behavior of Fe78Si9B13 glassy alloy under magnetic field, J. Non-Cryst. Solid., 392-393 (2014) 51-58, Jun 2014

  30. B. An, Y.J. Li, Y. Liu, Y.G. Wang, L.C. Zhang, W.M. Wang, Unique corrosion behavior of Fe78Si9B13 glassy alloy with different circumferential speeds under various chloride ion levels, J. Alloys Comp., 593(2014) 15–23, Apr 2014

  31. Y. Liu, S.L. Ye, B. An, Y.G. Wang, Y.J. Li, L.C. Zhang, W.M. Wang, Effects of mechanical compression and autoclave treatment on the backbone clusters in the Al86Ni9La5 amorphous alloy , J. Alloys Comp., 587 (2014) 59–65, Feb 2014         


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  6. 大块金属非晶及复合材料的物理,化学,热稳定性(51511140291),2015-07-01 ~ 2017-06-30,国家自然科学基金委,第一位。

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  8. 无序合金的熔化规律及其熔体结构(No. 2012CB825702),2012-01-2016-12,科技部973计划,第三位。

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与韩国世宗大学金起范教授, 澳洲埃迪斯科文大学张来昌有联合培养研究生经历






weiminw@sdu.edu.cn, QQ:3250857786



