
发布日期:2015-10-01 作者: 浏览次数:








Qin Jingyu



















1985-1989 聊城师范学院物理系学习,获得学士学位          

1989-1992 华中理工大学物理系学习,获得硕士学位              

1995-1998 山东工业大学学习, 获博士学位          

1998-2004 山东工业大学/山东大学副教授          

2004-今 山东大学教授.                      

其中, 2000-2002 清华大学从事博士后研究工作。          









1.Liu Y, Wang J, Qin    JY, Schumacher G. Influence of Ag substitution on the local structure    and glass-forming ability of Al86Ni(8-x)Y6Agx (X=0,1,2) liquids. Physics    And Chemistry Of Liquids. 2016;54(1):98-109.                    

2.Pan Shaopeng#,*,    Feng Shidong#, Qiao Junwei, Dong Bangshao and Qin Jingyu*, The    shells of atomic structure in metallic glasses, Modelling & Simulation    in Materials Science & Engineering, 2016, 24(2): 025004                    

3.Pan Shaopeng,    Feng Shidong, Qiao Junwei, Wang Weimin and Qin Jingyu, Correlation    between local structure and dynamic heterogeneity in a metallic    glass-forming liquid, Journal of Alloys And Compounds, 2016, 664: 65-70.                    

4.Qin JY*, Pan S, Qi Y, Gu T. The structure and thermodynamic    properties of liquid AlSi alloys by ab    initio molecular dynamics simulation. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids.    2016;433:31-7.                    

5.Pan S, Feng S,    Qiao J, Dong B, Qin JY*. The atomic structure of liquid Fe-C alloys.    Journal Of Alloys And Compounds. 2015;648:178-83.                    

6.Pan SP*, Feng SD,    Qiao JW, Wang WM, Qin JY*. Crystallization pathways of liquid-bcc    transition for a model iron by fast quenching. Scientific Reports. 2015;5.                    

7.Zhu X, Jiang W,    Li M, Qiao H, Wu Y, Qin JY, et al. The Effect of Mg Adding Order on    the Liquid Structure and Solidified Microstructure of the Al-Si-Mg-P Alloy:    An Experiment and ab Initio Study. Metals. 2015;5(1):40-51.                    

8.Zhou S, Dong B,    Xiang R, Zhang G, Qin JY, Bian X. Influence of clusters in melt on    the subsequent glass-formation and crystallization of Fe-Si-B metallic    glasses. Progress In Natural Science-Materials International.    2015;25(2):137-40.                    

9.Ma HJ, Shen KC,    Pan SP, Zhao J, Qin JY, Kim KB, et al. Role of tri-capped triangular    prism (TTP) polyhedra in formation and destabilization of Fe-Y-B glassy    alloys. Journal Of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2015;425:67-73.                    

10.Yang C, Bian XF*, Qin JY, Guo T, Zhao S.    Fabrication and hyperthermia effect of magnetic functional fluids based on    amorphous particles. Applied Surface Science. 2015;330(0):216-20.                    

11.Zhao X, Bian XF*, Qin JY, Liu Y, Bai Y, Li X,    et al. Unusual coordination structure in undercooled eutectic Ga-In alloy    melt. Epl. 2014;107(3).                    

12.Yang C, Bian XF*, Qin JY, Zhao X, Zhang K, Bai    Y. An investigation of a viscosity-magnetic field hysteretic effect in    nano-ferrofluid. Journal Of Molecular Liquids. 2014;196:357-62.                    

13.Yang C, Bian XF*, Qin JY, Guo T, Zhao X. Metal-based    magnetic functional fluids with amorphous particles. Rsc Advances.    2014;4(103):59541-7.                    

14.Bai Y, Bian XF*, Qin JY, Hu L, Yang J, Zhang    K, et al. Local atomic structure inheritance in Ag50Sn50 melt. Journal Of    Applied Physics. 2014;115(4).                    

15.Zhou C, Hu L*, Sun Q, Qin JY, Bian XF, Yue Y.    Indication of liquid-liquid phase transition in CuZr-based melts. Applied    Physics Letters. 2013;103(17).                    

16.Qin JY*, Gu TK,    Pan SP, Bian XF, Zhang T. Investigation on structure and dynamic property    of liquid Pd-Cu-Ni-P alloys using ab initio molecular dynamics simulation.    Science China-Technological Sciences. 2013;56(2):376-86.                    

17.Li GH, Pan SP, Qin JY, Zhang ZH, Wang WM*.    Insight into thermodynamics and corrosion behavior of Al-Ni-Gd glassy    alloys from atomic structure. Corrosion Science. 2013;66:360-8.                    

18.Guo FX, Tian Y*, Qin JY, Xu RF, Zhang Y, Zheng    HL, et al. Structure of liquid Cu-Sb alloys by ab initio molecular dynamics    simulations, high temperature X-ray diffraction, and resistivity. Journal of    Materials Science. 2013;48(12):4438-45.                    

19.Guo F, Tian Y*, Zheng H, Li T, Liu X, Xu X, Qin,    JY, Qin, XB, Tian, XL . Atomic structure and viscosity behavior in    Cu37Sb63 and Cu20Sb80 melts. Materials Letters. 2013;95:128-30.                    

20.Dong BS, Zhou SX*, Qin JY, Pan SP, Li ZB. The    influence of clusters in the melt of Fe80Si10B10 alloy on the subsequent    glass-formation. Progress In Natural Science-Materials International.    2013;23(2):216-9.                    

21.Zhou SX*, Dong BS, Qin JY, Li DR, Pan SP, Bian    XF, et al. The relationship between the stability of glass-forming Fe-based    liquid alloys and the metalloid-centered clusters. Journal of Applied    Physics. 2012;112(2):023514.                    

22.Yang L, Bian XF*, Pan SP, Qin JY. Cluster    separation phenomena in liquid Ga-In alloys. Acta Physica Sinica.    2012;61(3).                    

23.Wang H*, Hu T, Qin JY, Zhang T. Local    structure origin of higher glass forming ability in Ta doped Co65B35    amorphous alloy. Journal of Applied Physics. 2012;112(7):073520.                    

24.Qin JY*. A New    Model for the Configurational Entropy of Mixing in Liquid Alloys Based on    Short-Range Order. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica. 2012;28(7):1586-92.                    

25.Pan SP, Qin JY*, Wang WM, Gu TK. A new method    to characterize medium range order in metallic glasses. Journal of    Non-Crystalline Solids. 2012;358(15):1873-5.                    

26.Li XX, Qin JY*, Pan SP, Dong BS, Yang H. The    formation of FeZn13 phase from atomic cluster during hot dip galvanizing.    Computational Materials Science. 2012;63:214-7.                    

27.Guo K, Bian X*, Qin JY, Yang L. The    glass-forming ability and thermal stability of novolac-phenolic resin.    Polymer Composites. 2012;33(2):232-6.                    

28.Guo K, Bian X*, Li Z, Qin JY. Study on a    Parameter to Express Glass-Forming Relationship of Phenolic-Novolac Resin.    Polymer Composites. 2012;33(1):52-7.                    

29.Guo FX, Wang W, Yang Hl, Qin JY, Tian Xl*.    Abnormal resistivity and viscosity behavior in Sb-rich Pb-Sb melts.    Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2012;22(12):3113-9.                    

30.Guo FX, Zheng HL, Qin JY, Qin XB, Lv T, Jia Y,    et al. Medium-range order and physical properties of Cu-20at.% Sb melts.    Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2012;358(23):3327-31.                    

31.Guo F, Lu T, Qin JY, Zheng H, Tian XL*.    Abnormal resistivity behavior of Cu-Ni and Cu-Co alloys in undercooled    liquid state. Physica B-Condensed Matter. 2012;407(21):4108-13.                    

32.Dong BS, Zhou SX, Li DR, Qin JY, Pan SP, Wang    YG, et al. Effects of solute-solute avoidance on metallic glass formation.    Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2012;358(20):2749-52.                    

33.Bai YW, Bian XF*, Lv XQ, Pan SP, Qin JY, Qin    XB, et al. Heredity of medium-range order structure from melts to amorphous    solids. Journal of Applied Physics. 2012;112(8).                    

34.Yang L, Qin JY*, Pan S, Bian X. The shoulder    in the second peak of the pair correlation function of superheated liquid    Fe80B20 alloy. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2011;357(16-17):3207-11.                    

35.Pan SP, Qin JY*, Wang WM, Gu TK. Origin of    splitting of the second peak in the pair-distribution function for metallic    glasses. Physical Review B. 2011;84(9):092201.                    

36.Liu D, Pan SP, Qin JY*, Gu TK. Chemical and    topological short-range order evolution of Mg(65)Cu(25)Gd(10) alloy in the process    of rapid solidification. Journal of Applied Physics. 2011;109(9).                    

37.Li R, Wang WM*, Ma HJ, Li GH, Qin JY, Zhang ZH,    et al. Correlation between pre-peak in structure factor and physical    properties in Al-based amorphous alloys. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals    Society Of China. 2011;21(1):80-7.                    

38.Zhang JT, Wang WM*, Li GH, Ma HJ, Qin JY, Bian    XF. Correlation between microstructure and thermal dilation behavior of    amorphous Fe-Co-Zr-Mo-W-B alloys. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society    Of China. 2010;20(1):71-7.                    

39.Wu Y*, Liu X, Zhang J, Qin JY, Li C. In situ    formation of nano-scale Cu-Cu2O composites. Materials Science And    Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure And    Processing. 2010;527(6):1544-7.                    

40.Qin JY*, Zuo M, Gu    T, Liu X. The featured local structural units in liquid Al80Si15P5 alloy    and their relationship with Si modification. Journal Of Alloys And    Compounds. 2010;492(1-2):525-8.                    

41.Pan SP, Qin JY*, Gu TK. The role of rare earth    elements in the structures of FeB-based glass forming liquid alloys.    Journal of Applied Physics. 2010;107(3).                    

42.Pan SP, Qin JY*, Gu TK. Correlation between    local structure of melts and glass forming ability for Fe70EM10B20 (EM =    early transition metal) alloys. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids.    2010;356(25-27):1374-8.                    

43.Liu D, Qin JY*, Gu TK. The structure of liquid    Mg-Cu binary, alloys. Journal Of Non-Crystalline Solids.    2010;356(31-32):1587-92.                    

44.Gu T, Zhang T, Qi Y, Qin JY. From atomic and    electronic structures of molten multicomponent alloys to their glass-forming    ability First-principles simulations. Journal Of Non-Crystalline Solids.    2010;356(50-51):2807-12.                    

45.Bian X, Qin JY, Qin X. Structural relaxation    of metallic glass forming melts. Science China-Physics Mechanics &    Astronomy. 2010;53(3):405-8.                    

46.Bai Y, Bian X, Qin X, Qin JY, Lv X, Sun J.    Structure of isomorphous liquid Ag-Au alloys. Journal Of Non-Crystalline    Solids. 2010;356(35-36):1823-8.                    

47.Zhang Z, Wang Y, Qi Z, Zhang W, Qin JY,    Frenzel J. Generalized Fabrication of Nanoporous Metals (Au, Pd, Pt, Ag,    and Cu) through Chemical Dealloying. Journal Of Physical Chemistry C.    2009;113(29):12629-36.                    

48.Qin JY*, Liu H, Gu    T, Bian X. The complex structure of liquid Cu6Sn5 alloy. Journal Of    Physics-Condensed Matter. 2009;21(15).                    

49.Qin J, Gu T, Yang L. Structural and dynamical    properties of Fe78Si9B13 alloy during rapid quenching by first principles    molecular dynamic simulation. Journal Of Non-Crystalline Solids.    2009;355(48-49):2333-8.                    

50.Pan SP, Qin JY, Gu TK, Yang L, Bian XF. Correlation    between local structure of melts and glass forming ability for Fe78M9B13    (M=Nb, Si, and Zr) alloys. Journal Of Applied Physics. 2009;105(1).                    

51.Li GH, Wang WM, Bian XF, Zhang JT, Li R, Qin JY.    Correlation between thermal expansion coefficient and glass formability in    amorphous alloys. Materials Chemistry And Physics. 2009;116(1):72-5.                    

52.Hui X, Fang HZ, Chen GL, Shang SL, Wang Y, Qin JY, et    al. Atomic structure of Zr(41.2)Ti(13.8)Cu(12.5)Ni(10)Be(22.5) bulk    metallic glass alloy. Acta Materialia. 2009;57(2):376-91.                    

53.Li R-Y, Qin J-Y, Gu T-K, Bian X-F. Structure of    liquid Al80Mn20 alloy by Reverse Monte Carlo simulation. Journal Of    Non-Crystalline Solids. 2008;354(15-16):1736-9.                    

54.Zhao Y, Bian X, Qin X, Qin J, Hou X. Structural    properties and evolution in the solidification process of Cu-Ag alloys. Journal    Of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2007;353(11-12):1177-87.                    

55.Zhao Y, Bian X, Qin X, Qin J, Hou X. Liquid    structure: Is it directly correlative to glass-forming ability? Physics    Letters A. 2007;367(4-5):364-8.                    

56.Zhao Y, Bian X, Qin J, Qin X, Hou X. Structural evolution    in the solidification process of Cu-Sn alloys. Journal Of Non-Crystalline    Solids. 2007;353(52-54):4845-8.                    

57.Qin J, Gu T, Yang L, Bian X. Study on the structural    relationship between the liquid and amorphous Fe78Si9B13 alloys by ab    initio molecular dynamics simulation. Applied Physics Letters.    2007;90(20):201909.                    

58.Qin J, Gu T, Yang L, Bian X. Study on the structural    relationship between the liquid and amorphous Fe78Si9B13 alloys by ab    initio molecular dynamics simulation. Applied Physics Letters. 2007;90(20).                    

59.Gu TK, Qin JY, Bian XF. Correlation between local    structure of melts and glass forming ability for Al-based alloys: A    first-principles study. Applied Physics Letters. 2007;91(8).                    

60.Zhao Y, Bian X, Qin X, Qin J, Hou X. X-ray    diffraction experiments on In30Sn70 from normal liquid to solidus. Physics    Letters A. 2006;356(4-5):385-91.                    

61.Zhao Y, Bian X, Qin J, Qin X, Hou X. X-ray    diffraction experiments on the solidification process of Cu80Ag20 alloy.    Physics Letters A. 2006;357(6):479-84.                    

62.Gu T, Qin J, Bian X, Xu C. Structure change of liquid    GaSb under pressure: An ab initio molecular-dynamics simulation. Journal Of    Chemical Physics. 2006;125(9).                    

63.Bian X, Qin J, Qin X, Wu Y, Wang C, Thompson M.    Structural features of liquid metallic glass former. Physics Letters A.    2006;359(6):718-22.                    

64.Wei YH, Zhang CQ, Qin JY, Liu CB. Study on the    cluster of floating dross before nucleating during hot-dipping process.    Science In China Series B-Chemistry. 2005;48(1):83-8.                    

65.Gu TK, Bian XF, Qin JY, Xu CY. Ab initio    molecular-dynamics simulations of liquid GaSb and InSb. Physical Review B.    2005;71(10).                    

66.Qin JY, Qin XB, Wang WM, Bian XF. Model on medium    range order in liquid Al-Fe alloys. Transactions Of Nonferrous Metals    Society Of China. 2004;14(6):1068-73.                    

67.Qin JY, Gu TK, Tian XL, Bian XF. Study of the    structure of molten Fe-Si alloys by X-ray diffraction. Acta Metallurgica    Sinica. 2004;40(7):689-93.                    

68.Qin JY, Gu TK, Bian XF. A study on the medium range    order in molten Fe3Si and FeSi alloys. Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter.    2004;16(28):4753-60.                    

69.Gu TK, Qin JY, Xu CY, Bian XF. Structural, bonding,    and dynamical properties of liquid Fe-Si alloys: An ab initio    molecular-dynamics simulation. Physical Review B. 2004;70(14):7.                    

70.Gu TK, Qin JY, Xu CY, Bian XF. Structural, bonding,    and dynamical properties of liquid Fe-Si alloys: An ab initio    molecular-dynamics simulation. Physical Review B. 2004;70(14).                    

71.Gu TK, Qin JY, Bian XF, Xu CY, Qi YH. Ab initio    molecular dynamics simulations of liquid structure change with temperature    for a GaSb alloy. Physical Review B. 2004;70(24).                    

72.70.Gu T, Qin    J, Xu C, Bian X. Structural, bonding, and dynamical properties of liquid    Fe-Si alloys: \quad{}An \textit{ab initio} molecular-dynamics simulation.    Physical Review B. 2004;70(14):144204.                    

73.Pan XM, Bian XF, Wang WM, Qin JY. Influence of liquid    structure on solid transformation of CuAlNi shape memory alloy. Journal Of    Materials Science & Technology. 2003;19(2):147-9.                    

74.Gu TK, Qi YH, Qin JY. Molecular dynamics simulations    of solidification of liquid NiAl. Chinese Journal Of Chemical Physics.    2003;16(5):385-9.                    

75.Wang L, Cong HR, Zhang JX, Bian XF, Li H, Qin JY.    Medium-range order structure in Al80Fe20 alloy during rapid solidification.    Physics Letters A. 2002;301(5-6):477-83.                    

76.Wang HR, Tian XL, Teng XY, Shi ZQ, Ye YF, Min GH, et    al. Short-range and medium-range order in liquid Cu-Ni alloy. Chinese    Physics Letters. 2002;19(2):233-5.                    

77.Teng XY, Ye YF, Shi ZQ, Wang HR, Qin JY. Correlation    between liquid and solid structure of Fe68Si32 alloy. Acta Physico-Chimica    Sinica. 2002;18(4):336-9.                    

78.Pan XM, Bian XF, Qin JY, Wang WM. Origin of pre-peak    in structure factors of liquid Cu-Al-Ni alloys. Materials Science And    Technology. 2002;18(11):1301-4.                    

79.Cong HR, Bian XF, Li H, Qin JY. Structure of    medium-range order in molten Al-Fe alloy. Transactions Of Nonferrous Metals    Society Of China. 2002;12(5):947-51.                    

80.Wang HR, Ye YF, Wang WM, Qin JY. Atomic model of    liquid pure Fe. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2001;46(4):300-3.                    

81.Wang HR, Ye YF, Min GH, Teng XY, Shi ZQ, Qin JY.    Study on liquid structure and viscosity of eutectic gallium-indium alloy.    Acta Metallurgica Sinica. 2001;37(8):801-4.                    

82.Wang HR, Ye YF, Min GH, Teng XY, Qin JY.    Characteristic of temperature-induced change on the microstructure of    liquid pure iron. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica. 2001;17(9):820-3.                    

83.Wang HR, Ye YF, Min GH, Qin JY, Wang WM. The valence    electron structure and property analysis of TiC. Chinese Science Bulletin.    2001;46(12):1002-5.                    

84.Pan XM, Bian XF, Qin JY, Wang WM. Medium-range order    structure clusters in Cu-12%Al elloys melt. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica.    2001;17(8):708-12.                    

85.Bian XF, Wang WM, Qin JY. Liquid structure of    Al-12.5% Si alloy modified by antimony. Materials Characterization.    2001;46(1):25-9.                    

86.Wang WM, Bian XF, Qin JY, Syliusarenko SI. The    atomic-structure changes in Al-16 pct Si alloy above the liquidus.    Metallurgical And Materials Transactions a-Physical Metallurgy And    Materials Science. 2000;31(9):2163-8.                    

87.Wang WM, Bian XF, Qin JY, Fan TG. Study on atomic    density changes in the liquid Al-Si alloys by X-ray diffraction method.    Journal Of Materials Science Letters. 2000;19(17):1583-5.                    

88.Bian XF, Wang WM, Qin JY. Structures of liquid Al-Si    alloy modified by Sr. In: Starke EA, Sanders TH, Cassada WA, editors.    Aluminium Alloys: Their Physical And Mechanical Properties, Pts 1-3.    Materials Science Forum. 331-32000. p. 349-54.                    

89.Bian XF, Qin JY, Wang WM, Qi XG. Medium range order    and microstructure of Al-1% Fe alloy. In: Starke EA, Sanders TH, Cassada    WA, editors. Aluminium Alloys: Their Physical And Mechanical Properties,    Pts 1-3. Materials Science Forum. 331-32000. p. 343-8.                    

90.Wang WM, Bian XF, Qin JY, Zhang L, Ye YF. Gaussian    peaks decomposing of simple liquids' RDF. Science In China Series    E-Technological Sciences. 1999;42(6):631-6.                    

91.Wang WM, Bian XF, Qin JY, Ye YF, Sljusarenko SI.    Structural transformation and its reversibility in liquid Al-13%Si alloy at    high temperatures. Transactions Of Nonferrous Metals Society Of China.    1998;8(2):230-4.                    

92.Qin JY, Bian XF, Wang WM, Sijusarenko SI, Ma JJ, Xu    CY. Micro-inhomogeneous structure of liquid Al-Fe alloys. Science In China    Series E-Technological Sciences. 1998;41(2):182-7.                    

93.Qin JY, Bian XF, Wang WM, Ma JJ, Xu CY. Pre-peak on    the structure factor of liquid hypoeutectic Al-Fe alloy. Chinese Science    Bulletin. 1998;43(14):1219-24.                    

94.Qin JY, Bian XF, Sliusarenko SI, Wang WM. Pre-peak in    the structure factor of liquid Al-Fe alloy. Journal Of Physics-Condensed    Matter. 1998;10(6):1211-8.                    



2006-2008: Fe基合金快凝过程中主导原子团簇演化研究, 国家自然科学基金          

2007-2010: 块体金属玻璃形成过程中的微观结构演变与玻璃形成能力, 国家自然科学基金重点项目之子项目          

2007-2011: 高性能轻质非晶态合金的成分设计, 973子课题(2007CB613903          

2008-2012: 几种典型二元共晶合金熔体结构研究, 国家自然科学基金          













